Albert Zulli Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Characterized as “adult learner” who are defined as nontraditional students, including but not limited to:
- those students over the age of 24
- veterans or active-duty members of the US Military, or
- are more than four years out of high school
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Bill and Denise Spence Collective Impact Scholarship at Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Are graduates of a high school from the Lehigh Valley region
- Have a home address of record in either Lehigh or Northampton Counties (PA)
- Have the potential to contribute to careers and industries specific to the Lehigh Valley region
- Have a grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale) for incoming freshmen
- First preference is given to students majoring in an academic area that fills a talent supply gap in the Lehigh Valley region workforce
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Charles R. McAnall III Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- First preference shall be given to students majoring in or planning to major in Arts Administration, or similar or successor degree program
- If no students meet this preference in the given year, funds will be awarded to any student in the Penn State Lehigh Valley eligibility pool
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Donald E. Allen Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- First preference shall be given to entering first year or new students
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Eugene R. and Sandra A. Slaski Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic ability or who manifest promise of outstanding academic achievement
- Displayed leadership ability
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Gerald M. Brey Endowed Scholarship at Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley within the engineering degree program
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Hussam and Roula Yacoub Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Jerome and Martha Markowitz Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrate financial need
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
John and Janie Mershon Scholarship at Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved a minimum of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) GPA and show academic promise
- Demonstrated perseverance in overcoming obstacles or challenges in pursuit of an undergraduate degree
- Entering first year students enrolling directly out of high school or non-traditional students returning after a period of employment or other activity and who are pursuing a degree in furtherance of a second career
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
John V. Cooney Pre-College Youth Program Fund
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Eligible students should be identified as students who have participated in pre-college programming as recommended by their counselors or teachers and who demonstrate ability and enthusiasm to succeed
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Julius Cohen Memorial Fund
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Student’s gender, race, ethnic, cultural and/or national background contribute to the diversity of the student body
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet eh conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Lehigh Valley Campus Alumni Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Demonstrate involvement in the campus, their community or family
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- First preference shall be given to students whose permanent residence located in Lehigh County or Northampton County, Pennsylvania
- Second preference, based on funding availability, to students in the eligible pool
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for only one academic year
Lehigh Valley General Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Mabel White Riker Memorial Scholarship at Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Demonstrated financial need
- First preference is given to Allentown City School District students who plan major in Education with a Mathematics Teaching Option
- Second preference, it shall be open to graduates of any public high school in Lehigh County who plan to major in the College of Education, College of Engineering; or to Chemistry, Physics or Pre-Medicine majors
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Musolino Family Mathematics, Science and Engineering Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- First preference shall be given to students majoring in or planning to major in a degree program focused on science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM)
- If no students meet this preference in the given year, funds will be awarded to any student who meets the Penn State Lehigh Valley eligibility pool
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year but may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Patt Family Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll in the Business Program at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Penn State Advisory Board Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to be meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- This scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Penn State Lehigh Valley Alumni Society First Year Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- This scholarship will be awarded for only one academic year and is not renewable
Penn State Lehigh Valley McGee Undergraduate Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
The Richard Laird Smith Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll in the mechanical engineering at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Graduates of Parkland High School
- Have achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- If no qualified candidates who are planning to major in mechanical engineering can be identified, other students enrolled or planning to enroll in the College of Engineering shall be considered
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Robert T. Wolfe Scholarship at Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll in the Corporate Communication at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Have achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Rudy Mohr Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success
- Demonstrate involvement in the community or campus
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Scott Babashak Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Full-time undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- This scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available
Trustee Scholarship Fund for Penn State Lehigh Valley
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to:
- Undergraduate students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley
- Demonstrated financial need
- Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed for subsequent years providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility and funds are available